Peripatos - A different kind of art giveaway

Aristotle's philosophy school used to teach while taking a walk, or “peripatos” in Greek. To me, this merges some way of culture with walking, with moving, with taking some air. This is why I decided to make it a different kind of art giveaway.

My main way of doing this art giveaway is by… going for walks! I’ll be walking around my city first - and more cities hopefully in the near future- leaving around pieces of art in hopes that the right person will find it (aka someone who likes it!). At the same time, I’m doing the “portraits” of shops I love and give them the sketches.

Peripatos - A different kind of art giveaway

The idea is simple, I’m leaving art (sketches or paintings) around and if you find it, you keep it! I’m starting with my city, Thessaloniki, and hopefully, I’ll soon be able to be in more places and do this art giveaway. And if you find one, make sure to scan the QR code on the back!

Thank you for being here, I’ll see you on the next one.


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Swiss art expo 2022